Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mokoqi aromatherapy 100ml diffuser

Its safe to say after receiving my first diffuser i have branched out for more. I love the mokoqi aromatherapy 100ml diffuser because its small and perfect for at work or in a home office. It is a nice addition to any room but i feel you get more personal with this one because its meant for smaller rooms. I love to use peppermint essential oil with this one in my work place because it keeps me focused with everything i have to do from reviews to my younique business. I love the fact that this one also gives you the color changing affect and you could even choose which color you want to leave it on. My favorite three colors are purple, teal, and red which come with this brand. It also comes with a handy timer so your not using it when your not in the room. Its not a bulky diffuser so you can put it anywhere you can find a plug. I really enjoy this brand and how simple it was to set and up and use. The cleaning process is a breeze as well.

*disclaimer: i received this product at a discount price in exchange for a honest review*


  1. This is so pretty... I love all the different colors... I need to start saving money on Amazon so I can get one of these.

  2. My son would love this. I know he would stare at all the colors at night. I think the purple is my favorite color.

  3. That is awesome! I'd love to have one
