Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Kids travel pillow (panda)

I simply adore this kids travel pillow. Its convenient to use when your own the road or traveling in general. When i used it driving to Los Angeles my toddler really liked using the neck pillow for neck support. When my son wasn't using it as a neck pillow i turned it into the cute adorable panda which is really easy to do. My youngest son which is ten months old really loved the panda and i think it is his new favorite toy. He is always kissing the pillow and cuddling it. I love how easy it is to switch it from the panda to the neck pillow and back again. There is also lots of cute designs to choose from so if the panda is not for you I'm sure there is a design you will love for your child. I also love the feel of the pillow it reminds me of a bean bag chair so its not to firm or soft for the kids and i think it is perfect and fun to play with. This is a great product to keep around regardless of child's age or gender. I think this would be perfect for kids who also love to have comforting items with them because it has multiple uses. Check the designs out here: http://www.amazon.com/Pillow-Stuffed-Animal-Satellas-Perfect/dp/B017HPUJYW?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00

*disclaimer: i received this product for free in exchange for a honest review*


  1. Awesome product i want one for myself

  2. He is the cutest. I agree that this would work for both genders.

  3. Aw super cute.. this would be great for road trips...

  4. OH how Cute!! My Son need this. It can be his little buddy on the go and at home

  5. So adorable!!! I want one for myself
