This thermometer has been a real life savior. I usually struggle with those regular thermometers because it takes forever to get a accurate reading and that is if they weren't moving during all the hassle. This thing is a breeze because you literally just swipe it from one side of the temporal to another and boom done. I love how the light will tell you if your child or anyone you are testing as a fever and its easy to remember. Green means everything is good, yellow is someone is a little warm but not in fever range, and red means fever kind of like a stop light. I could not express enough how easy this thing is and how its made my life so much easier with sick kids. I highly recommend this thermometer to all moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents well anyone who ever needs to take a temperature.
*disclaimer: i received this product at a discount in exchange for a honest review*
Those are so cool, love the new technologies.