Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Organic Figi hand soap and lotions

Holy Guacamole!! The samples I received smelled awemazing!!!! My favorite smell would have to be a tie between cucumber melon and the coconut. First things first I already love this company for being organic, as a mother of two its important what goes on my kids body and what goes inside their months. I know these products are safe for myself and my family which is a double bonus! After washing my hands I could immediately tell the difference between Figi and the soap I usually use. My hands felt cleaner and softer and just one use. You also don't need a lot of soap to really get a lather going either. These are amazing and I would recommend these to anyone who washes their hands. The lotion I received was also just as great as the soap. It smelt amazing and it left my hands super soft without all those chemicals that might have been in the other things I used. Organic figi definitely has a new customer.